On 20 + 21 October 2016 CARHS, will hold the 6th Human Modeling Symposium, in Heidelberg (Germany) “Human Modeling and Simulation in Automotive Engineering 2016“. This year’s meeting will focus on model development and user experience employing the model for injury applications. If you are a user of any of the GHBMC family of models, we invite you to propose a presentation for the symposium. Authors are invited to submit one page abstracts (500 word limit) online via this registration site by December 18, 2015. Speakers take part in the symposium free of charge. Topics of interest include student research efforts, development of metrics or risk functions for human models, evaluation of potential safety countermeasures, and applying the model to future topics in sports, military, and automotive applications.
If you are younger than 30 years, you can take part in our competition for the “Young Scientist Award”. More Information: carhs.de/HuMo